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15 Self-Esteem Activities for You to Do with Your Teen Clients

As a mental health professional working with teens, you understand the critical role that self-esteem plays in their overall well-being. Adolescence is a time of rapid change and development, where young individuals are navigating various challenges, from academic pressures to social dynamics. During this crucial period, fostering healthy self-esteem is key to helping teens navigate these challenges with resilience and confidence.

We'll explore 10 self-esteem activities that you can do with your teen clients. These activities are designed to not only enhance their self-esteem but also promote positive mental health and resilience. Each activity is tailored to address specific aspects of self-esteem, from identifying personal strengths to challenging negative self-talk. By incorporating these activities into your therapy sessions, you can help your teen clients develop the confidence and self-assurance they need to thrive.

So let’s get into these activities, exploring how they can be implemented in your practice and the impact they can have on your teen clients. Let's empower our teens to embrace their uniqueness, build their self-esteem, and navigate life's challenges with confidence and resilience.

Activity 1: Strengths Mindmap & Exploration

Description: Begin by discussing the concept of strengths with your teen client. Explain that strengths are not just about what they're good at, but also about their positive qualities and attributes. Encourage them to think beyond academic or extracurricular achievements and consider personal traits like kindness, creativity, or resilience.


  • Help teens recognize and appreciate their unique strengths.

  • Encourage a positive self-perception by focusing on what they excel in.

  • Promote self-awareness and self-acceptance.

Steps to Implement:

  1. Provide your teen client with a blank sheet of paper and some colored markers.

  2. Ask them to write their name in the center of the paper and draw a circle around it.

  3. Instruct them to think about their strengths and write or draw them in branches extending from the central circle. Encourage creativity and openness.

  4. Once they have identified several strengths, guide them to reflect on how these strengths have helped them in various aspects of their life.

  5. Encourage them to add any new strengths they discover during the reflection process.

Reflection/Discussion Point: Discuss with your teen client how recognizing their strengths can boost their self-esteem and confidence. Encourage them to share their experience of discovering and exploring their strengths.

By engaging in this activity, your teen clients can gain a deeper understanding of their unique qualities and learn to appreciate themselves for who they are. This activity lays the foundation for building self-esteem by focusing on their positive attributes and celebrating their strengths.

Activity 2: Identifying Personal Core Beliefs

Activity 3: Understanding Negative Self-Talk

Activity 4: Social Media and Self-Esteem

Activity 5: Self-Love and Respect

Activity 6: Challenging Negative Self-Talk

Activity 7: Building Confidence

Activity 8: Future Letter to Myself

Activity 9: Main Influencers on Self-Esteem

Activity 10: Setting Your Personal Limits (Boundaries)

Activity 11: Journaling for Self-Esteem

Activity 12: Self-Esteem Boosters & Reducers

Activity 13: Assertive Communication

Activity 14: Power Up with Positive Affirmations

Activity 15: Self-esteem Rating Scale

These 15 self-esteem activities offer valuable tools for you to use with your teen clients. By engaging in these activities, teens can develop a deeper understanding of themselves, enhance their self-esteem, and build resilience to navigate life's challenges.

Each activity provides a unique opportunity for teens to explore their strengths, challenge negative beliefs, and develop essential life skills. Whether through journaling, role-playing, or mindfulness exercises, these activities can be powerful tools for promoting positive mental health and well-being.

As mental health professionals, it is essential to create a safe and supportive environment for teens to explore their thoughts and feelings. These activities can be adapted to suit the individual needs of each teen, ensuring that they are meaningful and impactful.

The "Self-Esteem Worksheets For Teens" Workbook:

To further support your work with teen clients, consider incorporating the "Self-Esteem Worksheets For Teens" workbook into your practice. This comprehensive resource is designed to complement the activities outlined in this blog post, providing additional tools for enhancing self-esteem.

Inside the workbook, you'll find a structured framework and engaging activities designed to address specific issues, keep your therapy sessions focused on the therapeutic goal, boost your clients' self-esteem but also empower them to navigate the ups and downs of life with confidence and resilience. 

The workbook isn't just a bunch of boring worksheets—it's a gateway to engagement and participation. It's like a secret code that unlocks your young clients' inner thoughts and feelings, allowing them to explore and articulate their emotions in a tangible way.

It’s a powerful tool that should be in your therapy toolbox. Think of it like a treasure map, guiding your young clients on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

By incorporating these activities into your sessions, you can help teens build confidence, develop a positive self-image, and improve their overall well-being.

Would you like to learn more about the "Self-Esteem Worksheets For Teens" workbook and how it can benefit your practice? Click below to explore the workbook further.

Thank you for your dedication to supporting the mental health of teens. Together, we can make a difference in their lives and empower them to thrive.

Jemma (Gentle Observations Team)





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